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State of Wisconsin Transit Topics

November 2010 (pdf)

  1. Statewide RTA-enabling legislation (see www.wisconsinrta.org/).
  2. Establishment of inter-modal transit terminals in major population centers.
  3. A Housing + Transportation Affordability Index Act law as in Illinois (see www.ilga.gov/legislation/96/SB/PDF/09600SB0374lv.pdf)
  4. “Pay-As-You-Drive” auto insurance in which rates reflect miles driven (see http://www.edf.org/page.cfm?tagID=31651 and www.vtpi.org/payd_aff.pdf)
  5. Fund kids commuting to k-12 school (Public/private program as in Oregon state – “this program is provided through a partnership between LTD, Oregon Department of Energy, Pacific Continental Bank, and point2point Solutions” — www.point2pointsolutions.org/school/bus/)
  6. Give city buses right of way re-enter traffic lane (see Oregon State Statute 811.167 at www.busadvocates.org/articles/communitycosts/Oregon_right-of-way_law.pdf)
  7. State Income Tax Deduction similar to Federal Commuter Choice tax program. The Federal program refers to Internal Revenue Code [(26 USC 132(f)] which permits employers to offer a tax benefit to commute to work by methods other than driving alone. (More information at http://www.cityofmadison.com/metro/fares/CommuteCard/commutecard-taxsavings.cfm
  8. Consider citizen access by public transportation a key feature in the location of State office buildings.
  9. Enact safety limitations on operating a bus similar to federal law re. operating a truck (“a truck driver can drive for a maximum of 11 continuous hours, in a 14-hour work day, after which they are required to take a mandatory rest period of 10 hours before getting behind the wheel of their truck again. In any seven-day period, the truck can be on the road for 60-77 hours, and in an eight-day period, the truck can be driven between 70-88 hours.” – http://www.legalinfo.com/content/truck-accidents/does-federal-law-limit-the-hours-that-a-truck-can-be-on-the-road.html)
  10. Expand WisDOT’s ability to assist public transit agencies with operating costs.